Open-source, as an approach to create software as a commodity, new ways of doing journalism, news reporting and even video production may seem a little too cutting edge to many, but indeed these new experimental ways of working collaboratively and from the roots, show great promise as each day passes.

Our Open Source services provide strategy and implementation services to optimize the use of open source software; this helps lower application development and maintenance costs and increases application deployment flexibility.
Open source products are typically released for free, Zsenda can produce quality products and generate a good reputation can almost immediately grab huge shares of any market based on the complex and far-reaching global referral networks generated by users

By using the open source technology model, we can create a superior product, which immediately has a competitive advantage, and which generates multiple scalable revenue streams while being freely available throughout the community.

We have first of all experienced the benefits of Open Source when it comes to efficient product development and distribution. We acknowledge that our software would not have been as good as it is today without the help of an active community and the Open Source development model.